Saturday 27 January 2007

Family Lookalikes

There's been a few emails buzzing around the family this week. I thought I'd post them on my blog and see what y'all think. We are going to go into the look-a-like business. LOL. Well, not me, I'm unique. But my Grandad and my sister.

Does anyone else think my Grandad looks like Jude Law?

My Grandad, age 20

Jude Law

And my sister J. I've always thought she looks like Helen Baxendale, but now I find out that my other sisters also thought the same!

Can you tell which one is my sister and which is the famous actress???

This one definitely has a J look about it. She gives this scary look quite a lot.


  1. I think Grandad is v much like Jude Law. He also looks like Errol Flynn, but Errol Flynn doesn't look like Jude Law!

    I do think I look a lot like Helen Baxendale, but more so in real life - not so much from photos. Her birthday is 4 days after me so maybe Mum had a late twin, but after putting up with me for 4 days she felt she couldn't cope with us both! lol

    J x

  2. Yes isnt it funny. i always thought Ben had a look of him about him to, so it must be a family thing. Perhaps Grandad isnt telling us something! I myself have always been told i look like Kate Winslet so perhaps we are a family of lookalikes!
    Laura. x

  3. I am not going to ask who I look like just in case my self-esteem toally disappears!

    You guys ought to be able to make a fortune as 'lookalikes'.

    I wonder what Errol Flynn looked like as he got older. He died quite young I think? To much wine, women and more women I believe!!!

  4. Honestly if I had £1 for everytime somebody said I look like Brad Pitt ... I'd be penniless.
