Saturday 3 June 2006

It's Saturday, and myself and Luke are off to the train museum for the afternoon. The weather is far too nice to be indoors, but we have to take Sam to stage school as usual and Luke is desperate to go back to the train museum. Jude and Steve have gone to Dublin for the weekend for a fellowship outreaching thingy. They should be on the bus right now. Tomorrow I'll drive down with the boys for the Sunday meeting and bring Steve & Jude back home with me.

Yesterday I got sunburnt! Typically I put lotion on all 3 of the kids but forgot about myself. I was weeding the onion patch with help from Luke, and because I was bending over the patch for about an hour I burnt my back and shoulders. It's not too bad. Just very red, but I've been burnt worse than that before. I'll pop in to Tesco's on our way into Belfast to get some spray on sun tan lotion. No doubt they'll probably be sold out as no one in Northern Ireland ever expects to need sun tan lotion!

Only 6 days until our girly relaxing spa weekend! Woo hoo! I can't wait. Steve is gutted because the England match is on, but he has to take Sam to his end of term drama performance. I'll not be here to do it, so he is crying about that. Being a girl, I don't understand why they can't just record it and watch it when they get home.

1 comment:

  1. ''Being a girl, I don't understand why they can't just record it and watch it when they get home.''

    I think I speak for both Steve & myself when I say that I'm speechless.
